Collection: Petrageous

The driving force behind PetRageous Designs is its founder, Gretchen George. Gretchen's love for animals and her savvy design are present in every product we create. Our products are designed with one simple premise: dogs and cats should fit comfortably in their homes. Her friendly and practical designs make it easy for the pets and their owners to keep a fashionably trendy and organized pet dining area, have outrageously fun playtime, travel safely together and enjoy stylish, functional pet attire.

Gretchen's commitment to the comfort and safety of pets shows in our packaging. We list the benefits of each item so pet owners know they're making the right choice in buying PetRageous Designs ®. In 2009, Gretchen began adding notes to all our packages and hang tags. Drawing from her own experiences with her Soft-coated Wheaton Terrier, Brady, she offers tips for other pet owners, related to the item they're purchasing. Gretchen hopes PetRageous Designs' consumers will come to see her as a trusted friend; our informative, friendly packaging is just one more step in building that relationship.